Top 10 Reasons People Skydive.
Personal Achievement
Skydiving is a great skill set to master for personal growth. Therefore, almost
anyone can enjoy skydiving at some level. For instance, some are content skydiving securely attached to a qualified instructor. Others amass a lifetime of solo skydives pushing the endeavor of human flight from a dream to a reality.

Bucket List
We all have one, and skydiving should be on it. As life experiences go, skydiving is the ultimate thrill. So, Most of us have dreamed of flying, and now for the first time in human history we can safely jump from and airplane and tell the story at dinner. Check skydiving off of your bucket list.
Special Occasions
It’s natural to do want to do epic things to celebrate epic times. Therefore, skydiving is a popular way to bring in a new year, end the old one or propose to your bestie. Skydiving birthday parties, anniversaries, weddings and days ending in Y are all great reasons to mark the occasion with a skydive.
Fear of Heights
Forget about it, everyone is afraid at 10,000 feet. A “fear of heights” is the most used reason not to skydive. No reason to fear the fall here, that’s what you came for. So, don’t worry you will still be afraid of heights after your jump. In other words, relax.
Adrenaline Junkies
Welcome home! Junkies from all extreme sports come to skydive, some jump once, some jump 1000 times, but they all agree that nothing is more extreme than skydiving. If riding in an airplane is flying, then riding in a boat is swimming….you gotta get out!!
Jump from a Perfectly Good Plane
Don’t worry we don’t have one of those, lol. The truth is all airplanes break, so we think a parachute is a great idea. Ask Charles Lindberg, John McCain or George Bush, all of whom have jumped from what was a perfectly good plane when they took off.
Team Building
Trust, managing fear, camaraderie and the satisfaction of success are the cornerstones of team building. Corporations, social clubs, law enforcement and senior citizen groups have all realized the benefit of skydiving in groups.
I Dare You
Face it, “I Dare You” was probably the birth of skydiving. Humans have pushed each other to do crazy things for millennium. So it is pretty common to start skydiving from a good old fashioned dare. In other words, I double Dare Ya! This is the Top 10 Reasons People Skydive.
Career Goal
A few embrace the thrill of freefall and parachuting as a lifestyle and even a career path. Due to the latest safety technology the skydiving industry is strong and growing. Therefore, the need for qualified pilots, parachute riggers, instructors, and administrators are always in demand.
Just Because
Recently a 90 year old man was skydiving for his birthday and a news reporter ask him “why he jumped”? He simply replied, “The door was open!” For those folks that don’t need a reason to jump from a perfectly good plane all we can say is “You are going to love skydiving!