Is Skydiving Dangerous

Basic Facts
Yup. A failing parachute seems to most of us as the classic “worst possible situation” yet thousands of skydivers each year throw themselves from perfectly good airplanes just for the “thrill of it” or some other bucketlist item burning at the top of the life driving to-do list.. On the surface it looks like a 50/50 bet at best and most people, (rightfully so) would and should back away from those maybe maybe not situations. So it seems amazing that some would choose to repeat this Russian game of Ariel roulette on a daily basis. Is Skydiving Dangerous? Are they crazy? Maybe not.
According to Americans did over 3 million skydives in the US with only 21 fatal accidents. The math says 1 in 153,000 skydives will be fatal. The surprising thing is that all of the parachutes worked! That’s right none of the parachutes failed to open. As it turns out, most every fatality was the result of pilot error (parachute pilot). The tricky part of jumping from the plane seems to be successfully landing the canopy, aka parachute. So no worries until you come back in contact of the planet. Is skydiving dangerous? It does not seem to be the jump that gets you…but indeed the sudden stop.
Is Skydiving Dangerous Yes or No?
The good news is that Tandem skydiving is the safest form of skydiving. the death rate over the last 20 years is less than 1 fatality in 1 million skydives. The reason is that a tandem canopy is much larger and slower than a parachute built for one skydiver. So is skydiving dangerous? Tandem skydives are the least risk adverse skydive discipline.
So is skydiving safe in Arizona? Arizona leads the country in skydiving fatalities and is a very popular state for the lifer jumper. It’s a simple matter of math, the big blue skies and the expanse of flat desert floor landing area makes the Phoenix area valley home to the best skydivers in the world..many more skydives equals more skydive deaths. With a half dozen skydive centers in Arizona and three in the Phoenix area, skydiving is not hard to find.